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Instruction for Authors


First Author1, Second Author2

1First Author's address
The address must be full,
The address must be written in English, COUNTRY
2Second Author's address
The address must be full.
The address must be written in English, COUNTRY

Abstract: The abstract must not exceed 200 words. Leave two lines between the address(es) and abstract.

AMS Subject Classification: You may find AMS Subject Classification here.

Key Words: key words and phrases

1. First Section

The manuscript should be prepared only using LaTeX processing system (please use this sample), basic font 12pt size, and must remain legible after small reduction. The papers should be in English and typed in frames $12\times 20$ cm (margins 3.5 cm on left and right and 4 cm on top and bottom) on A4-format white paper. On the first page leave 3.5 cm space on the top for the journal's headings, then type the title of the paper in capital letters bold face, leave two lines and type the authors' names and addresses, centered. After the acceptance of the paper for publication, the authors are obliged to submit the LaTeX-source file copied on two CD or two DVD (or 1.44 MB, DOS-formatted, 3.5"-diskettes).

2. Sections, Propositions, Text and Figures

Titles of all principals Sections, Acknowledgement, References, Appendices should be typed centered in bold face. Appendices should follow References and be indexed (A, B,...) or enumerated (1, 2,...). Paragraphs should have 18pt indent. All subheadings like Definition, Theorem, Lemma, Remark, Example should be indented and in bold face, the text of the propositions (theorems, lemmas, etc.) should be slanted, subheading Proof, also slanted. Reference citations should be typed in the text as follows: [1] and [2], but not [1,2].

All figures should be prepared and included as Post Script (ps-file, or eps-file), and enclosed with the LaTeX- source file on the diskettes. For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, go to


We do not longer provide hard-copy offprints for published papers in IeJPAM.


The acknowledgements should go in the special section, which follows the text but precedes the references.


[1] D.H. Ackeley, G.E. Hilton, T.J. Sejnovski, A learning algorithm for Bolzmann machine, Cognitive Science, 62 (1985), 147-169.

[2] D.O. Hebb, Organization of Behavior, Wiley, New York (1949).